Alejandro Esteso Pérez
Franz Lentner
Mathis Gilsbach
Pablo Moro Valbuena
Secretary General
Under Secretary General
Editor in Chief
The Globe
Editor in Chief
The Globe
Konstantina Nathanail
Larissa Saar
Lucie Slámová
European Council
Livija Marko-Wieser
European Council
Borja Pampillón
Consejo de DDHH
Martina Bo
Consejo de DDHH
Hanne Pollet
UN Women
Jaqueline Wendel
UN Women

Alejandro Esteso Pérez
Alejandro is 22 years old and is a recent International Relations graduate from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, the place where he got to know the MUN concept for the first time. Ever since, he has participated in more than a dozen conferences, serving both as a delegate and as a chair, as well as part of the Executive Board, which has given him the opportunity to travel to destinations such as Rome, Paris or Berlin.
His interest for International Affairs, especially those concerning Eastern Europe and the Balkans, took him to intern at the Spanish Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he got to learn first-hand about some of the most pressing issues affecting the region. One of his main aims is to be back in order to carry out academic research.
As the Secretary General for MUNUSAL 2018, a conference he proudly knows by heart, he wishes everybody participating to take advantage of the opportunity provided, getting to exchange ideas and points of view with people coming from different countries and backdrops. The unique atmosphere a Model UN creates is, indeed, the perfect scenario for this to happen – top it up with some drops of sparkling Spanish weather, and there you have it!
Franz Lentner
Franz is currently studying economics in his hometown Bonn. Growing up in this beautiful city, known as Germany’s UN-headquarter, the United Nations were quite early present in his life. To enhance his UN experience he joined BIMUN in 2015 and attended their Model UN. From the first moment he was amazed by the international spirit and since then took part in many more conferences. One of them was the ninth edition of Munusal. He immediately fell in love with the beautiful city of Salamanca and promised to himself to come back one day. This ‘one day’ is now to come. He is very proud to step in the role of Under Secretary General and invites you all to join Munusal 2018.
When Franz is not committed to his MUN-life, he enjoys meeting friends, travelling and drinking beer. Most of the time he pairs two of this things. A bit more special interests of him are his love for tea or his habit to demonize pineapple whenever he can.
He is sure that Munusal will be a great conference and he is very excited to meet you in April.

Mathis Gilsbach
Mathis is a 23-year-old German student based in The Hague, Netherlands, where he pursues a Bachelor of International Studies focusing on China and Central Asia. He first set foot into the MUN world two years ago and has since been busy exploring different conferences and committees.
While he as well enjoys being a delegate, it was MUN-Journalism that caught his heart at last year’s Edition of MUNUSAL. One year (and some other conferences) later here he is serving as Editor in Chief for The Globe at MUNUSAL 2018. He hopes to contribute to a wonderful conference, solving the pressing issues of our time and raising the general level of fun and happiness by means of the gossip box.
When he is not MUNing, studying or looking at cat pictures on the Internet, he likes to explore the Netherlands by bike, travel to faraway places, explore exotic food and learn foreign languages. He furthermore is a thoughtful human being who loves to exchange ideas and have deep conversations on politics, philosophy and everything else that matters. Also, he often is the pun-dit behind bad wordplays.
Pablo Moro Valbuena
Pablo was born 21 years ago in the green and rainy northern region of Asturias, but in 2014, just after having graduated in secondary school, he decided to move to Salamanca in order to study Translation and Interpreting. One year later he would move to southwestern Germany, where he enjoyed in the old wonderful city of Heidelberg one of the best experiences of his life. But after eleven months of (intense) Erasmus experience it came the time to return to reality. Back in Salamanca, he started studying Law and —thanks to MUNUSAL 2017— discovered the MUN world, where he immediately felt at home.
In MUNUSAL 2017 he participated as member of the Press committee, and he enjoyed that much that he resolved to apply for Editor-in- Chief. He hopes he can do half as well as last edition’s Editors did and that every journalist enjoys as much as he did last year.
Other than loving taking part in MUNs (hopefully he will have been to a couple of them before MUNUSAL) he enjoys reading random information about everything that is happening in the world or that happened at some point in the last centuries, traveling as much as he can and meeting friends. Well, and food. This is also very important. Participating in a MUN is a good opportunity to do all that at the same time, so the only thing he regrets is not having discovered it before.

Konstantina Nathanail
Konstantina is a 19-year-old MUNer, born and raised in Greece, currently pursuing a Law degree at Humboldt University of Berlin and an Economics degree at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Aside from MUN, she is engaged in volunteering and competitive debating, as well as swing dancing.
Her interest in international relations and diplomacy goes back to an internal Security Council simulation at the international German School she was attending. This would turn out to shape her entire high school experience: Between class tests and Power Point presentations, she participared in many MUN conferences, where she met incredible people and gathered irreplaceable experiences, thereby redefining her goals and limits, and discovering a different aspect of herself, purposeful, responsible and full of passion.
This is why she wishes to offer everything she can from the position of a Chairperson and considers it her honor and responsibility to transmit her passion and knowledge to the participants of MUNUSAL 2018!
Larissa Saar
Larissa is a 21-year- old undergraduate student of English and Political Science in Bonn, where she is currently in the final stages of getting her Bachelor degree. After enrolling at the University of Bonn in 2015, she immediately signed up for BIMUN, attended her first conference in Bonn and helped organize it the next year. By now, she has participated in several conferences across Europe, and MUNUSAL 2018 will be her 10th. It will, however, be her first time in Salamanca, and she is looking forward to discovering a new city and meeting new people.
MUNs perfectly combine her interest in international relations with her passion for traveling and discovering new places she knows little about. She is especially interested in conflict studies and conflict resolution, especially regarding the Middle East, and has had the opportunity to learn more about the region in a trip to Lebanon last year. Other than that, Larissa enjoys reading classic and modern literature, preferably on a beach (or anywhere near water, really). She is looking forward to meeting everyone at MUNUSAL, to great debates and making new friends.

Lucie Slámová
Lucie was born and raised in a small Czech town with an unpronounceable name, but currently lives in the United Kingdom, where she pursues her Bachelors degree in Politics, International Studies and French at the University of Warwick.
Having discovered the world of MUN pretty much by accident a few years ago, she has not stopped ever since and participated in more than a dozen conferences so far. Besides MUNing, she has experience from several other projects and programmes, such as the Global-In Fellowship programme which she attended both as a participant and a year later as a mentor, or the Prague Student Summit, which she is currently involved in organising.
When not at a conference, Lucie enjoys discovering the secrets of low-cost travelling, learning several languages at the same time and describing the greatness and undeniable superiority of the Czech beer to anyone who is willing to listen.
Excited about her first-time travel to Spain, she is sure that MUNUSAL 2018 will be a formidable conference and she cannot wait to meet you.
Livija Marko-Wieser
Originally from Austria - a fact immediately revealed by her unconditional love for Apfelstrudel - Livija is a researcher and International Relations graduate living in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Besides being an ardent MUNer and avid member of the MUN community that she joined two and a half years ago, she enjoys travelling to both new and familiar places to see her loved ones and favourite musicians, reading books she has accumulated over years of dopamine-inducing visits to bookshops, enhancing her knowledge of the foreign languages she has fallen in love with over the years, challenging herself with various kinds of sports, and counting down obsessively to when she will finally get to see the Hamilton musical in London. Currently applying for master's programmes abroad, she aspires to work in the field of human rights protection with an emphasis on migration issues.
Having never been to Spain before, Livija is excited to be part of MUNUSAL 2018 and is looking forward to the engaging debates in the European Council!

Borja Pampillón
Borja es un estudiante de útimo curso del doble grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas y Marketing en la Universidad Camilo José Cela en Madrid, donde es el presidente del Club de Oratoria y uno de los principales organizadores del Madrid International Model of United Nations.
Comenzó en los MUNs porque una compañera le pidió que le acompañara unos cuantos miles de veces, y le encantó desde el primer momento que puso un pie en el comité.
Se considera afortunado de haber podido participar en la décima edición de Munusal, donde ganó el premio a Mejor Delegado del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, y conoció a mucha gente que hoy considera amigos.
Cuando no está haciendo algo de MUNs o estudiando (cosa rara) le gusta salir con sus amigos, la buena cerveza (no Mahou, nunca Mahou) y pasarlo bien. Le encantan los coches y los gatos, y probablemente no pierda la oportunidad de enseñar a todo el mundo fotos de Zhar y Keira.
Está deseando que llegue abril para conocer a todo el mundo en la preciosa Salamanca.
Martina Bo
Martina es una joven estudiante Italiana de Políticas Internacionales y Gobierno en la Universidad Bocconi en Milán. A partir de enero va a hacer su intercambio en la IE Business School en Madrid. Fue introducida al mágico mundo de Modelos de Naciones Unidas en el 2015, a través de la Asociación MILMUN, y este año tiene el honor de ser su Presidente.
Desde el 2015 Martina ha participado como delegada, moderadora y miembro del comité ejecutivo en numerosas conferencias a nivel Europeo. Además, ha trabajado en la Cámara de Comercio Italiana en República Dominicana, donde ha podido ampliar su visión sobre las relaciones comerciales y diplomáticas entre países y practicar sus capacidades de negociación en puro ritmo latino.
Es un placer para Martina presidir el Consejo de Derechos Humanos, porque cree profundamente en la promoción de los derechos humanos, y sus experiencias como voluntaria en Perú e Indonesia lo demuestran. Resulta claro que para Martina cada ocasión es una buena excusa para viajar y descubrir nuevas culturas.
En conclusión, Martina espera que sus delegados puedan vivir una experiencia maravillosa en Salamanca y les da la bienvenida a la gran familia de MUNUSAL.

Jaqueline Wendel
Jaqueline is a 19-year old student of political sciences and psychology at the University of Bonn. She discovered MUNs four years ago at high school and has been hooked ever since. This is why she signed up for the BIMUN conference in 2016 as soon as she was enrolled at university and became part of the Executive Board just a few months later. She loves how MUNs give you an opportunity to meet old and new friends and discuss politics with them. With her time as a member of the BIMUN excom coming to an end she now turns towards new challenges by taking on the role of being a chair at MUNUSAL. Besides MUNs she likes to read, cook and bake and spend time with her friends.
This being her first time at MUNUSAL, Jaqueline is very much looking forward to discover Salamanca and is excited to meet all the participants of this conference.

Hanne Pollet
Hanne is a law student that was born and raised in Belgium but nowadays rather considers herself a global citizen.
A young Hanne discovered MUN a long time ago and over the years she grew up to become a true devotee to every simulation that crosses her way. Being a firm believer that true understanding is the main part of a conflict solving process, she found her perfect tool in MUN and therefore made it her own personal mission to spread this addictive virus as much as possible.
Hanne is one of those people you’ll meet at 4am in a random bar somewhere on the globe, passionately discussing SC resolution 591 and without a wink being able to change the conversation to her supermarket deal expertise or the Flemish quizzing culture. As the great Tim Minchin taught her well, Hanne likes to define herself by what she loves. This includes campfires, her little sister and Jaco van Dormael movies.